Thursday, December 17, 2009


I work extensively with the public, so I see people behaving nicely and horribly. I am constantly amazed by the number of people that think their reprehensible behavior is acceptable. Sometimes it is that they don't think anyone is aware of their actions and other times, they act badly for no other reason to gain attention.

This blog is for expressing my personal opinions regarding current news or events.  I won't always write about people just behaving badly. Sometimes, I may write posts about peoples' apathy towards others or simply the degradation of culture in general.  

Since I do recognize that there isn't anyone alive who knows all there is to know about everything, I welcome comments from my readers. I love a good, intelligent debate because I believe that there is a great deal to learn from others. 

I do not plan on being purposely rude or disrespectful to anyone or any group but neither do I plan on going out of my way to be politically correct in order to make people happy. I will warn you now, if you are easily offended, you may want to stop reading now. 

Let the carnage begin.